St. Mark’s believes strongly in the importance of community. We offer many opportunities for fellowship throughout the year and always encourage new ideas!
Volunteering for the following ministries that directly support our Sunday morning worship is a great way to get involved in Parish Life. If you are interested in the following ministries, you are welcome to join!
- Altar Guild
- Flower Guild
- Acolytes
- Ushers
- Eucharistic Ministers
- Lectors
Contact the rector to join any of these ministries!
“Church Ladies”
The ladies of the church have been meeting at St. Mark’s most likely as long as the church has been in existence. In the last several years, the Church Ladies have met on a more regular basis, organizing Saturday breakfasts and Friday evenings of fellowship. One of the most memorable events was a day trip to NYC.
Outdoor Workdays
The Property & Landscape committee sponsors “workdays” in the spring and fall, with the goal of maintaining and improving the grounds of the church and the parish house. These days of working together as a community are a favorite among anyone who enjoys the outdoor work.
Outdoor Service and Church Picnic
Traditionally St Mark’s hosts the annual picnic at Schooley Mill Park. We begin with an outdoor service, and it is followed by a potluck picnic. Schooley Mill Park is a wonderful Howard County Park with a playground, tennis courts, hiking trails and basketball courts. We grill hamburgers and hotdogs and enjoy an afternoon of fellowship. Usually we schedule this for the first Sunday in June.
Boars Head Feast
The annual Boars Head Feast is a festive dinner held around the Feast of the Epiphany. In recent years this event is a major fundraiser for our J2A pilgrimage. This event is also a favorite among many! We have live music, delicious food and wonderful fellowship.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
St Mark’s Pancake Supper is also a family favorite. This event is typically organized by the men of St. Marks. Boarman’s sausage and the buttermilk pancakes are legendary!