“I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger, and you took me into your home. I needed clothes, and you gave me something to wear. I was sick, and you took care of me. I was in prison, and you visited me’, (Matthew 25:35-40).
With these words, we, as a Christian Church that is following the Gospel ,have received our commission to the world. Outreach takes many forms from prayerful support to financial support to hand-on participation:.
- St Mark’s has long supported the local Grassroots Crisis Center and Homeless Shelter in Columbia with a hot meal for 50 people on the 2nd Friday of every month. On Sunday mornings, our late parishioner, Muriel Bradley, would personally invite participation. Once she was no longer able to support it, another parishioner orchestrated monthly meals on her own. We now have a Sign-Up Genius profile to coordinate our commitment to provide 16 pounds of sloppy joes, 96 rolls and 200 cookies. (CLICK HERE)
- Founded in 2002 at St. Mark’s, DreamBuilders, is a non-profit interfaith organization of teens and adults from several Episcopal churches and a neighboring synagogue that helps to build and repair homes for those in need. (CLICK HERE) St. Mark’s Church provides the administrative functions for this ministry as well as volunteers and physical space for projects, if necessary.
- Starting with a DreamBuilders rehab project in the Remington neighborhood of Baltimore, St. Mark’s became involved with the Church of the Guardian Angel. (CLICK HERE) A major feature is the yearly coat drive at Palm Sunday which provides nearly 100 coats to individuals in that neighborhood. We also provide financial support, participate with St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Glenwood, in the school back-pack and reading camp programs. We have just started a youth-to-youth program and hope to expand it.
- Mark’s participates with the Baltimore International Seafarer’s Institute. (CLICK HERE)
- One aspect of hands-on ministry is the Stitcher’s Group. (CLICK HERE)
- To help feed hungry children in Howard County, St, Mark’s assists Trinity Episcopal Church in their “food in back-pack ministry” year-round.
- Additional financial support is provided to Luke’s Youth Center (SLYC) in Baltimore; Christ House (half-way house in DC), Bishop Claggett Center scholarships to children of imprisoned Marylanders and support of the Bishop Eugene Sutton Scholarship Fund