DreamBuilders, founded at St. Mark’s, is a non-profit interfaith organization of teens and adults from several Episcopal churches and a neighboring synagogue that helps to build and repair homes for those in need.

Founded in 2002, DreamBuilders has touched the lives of more than 100 people in need and volunteered on 54 Habitat for Humanity homes (including 10 “blitz” builds) during mission trips to West Virginia, New Mexico, Mississippi, Guatemala and Panama. In addition to the national and international work trips, we also sponsor local work weekends to help others in the Howard County and the greater Baltimore area.

Most recently, as a result of the pandemic, the DreamBuilders team designed and built folding desks for students all over Maryland. So many students did not have ideal space for home schooling and these desks provided a perfect solution.

To find out more about the desk project or for information on how to sign up for a build, click here.

The next DreamBuilders mission trip is scheduled for 18-24 June 2023 in Hazard Kentucky. Sign up information for this trip or any future trip is available through the website at Dreambuidersmd.org.