After Sunday Worship, Coffee Hour is a great way to meet and socialize with your fellow church members while enjoying some simple snacks and delicious coffee.
For those supporting coffee hour, please reference the following quick guide for running the commercial coffee makers
• Turn on coffee maker (Rocker switch, left side).
• Pull out baskets. Put a filter in each. Put 1 level cup of regular coffee into one, and 1 level cup of decaf in the other. I put REGULAR ON RIGHT as a means to remember which is which.
• Slide baskets back into place.
• Put carafes under each basket. REMOVE THE SPOUTS from the OPEN carafe first. Use the carafe with ORANGE lid for DECAF on left. Make sure carafe is empty before putting under coffee maker.
• When machine is ready push the BREW button ONE TIME ONLY
• When coffee has finished brewing (it takes about 5 minutes), insert a spout into each carafe. Flip over lid to close (it will click into place). Serve!