Christian Formation
At St. Mark’s, we believe Spiritual Formation is a life-long journey. It’s not just about “Sunday School,” but encompasses all aspects of our corporate and individual lives, including (but certainly not limited to) worship services, the Daily Office, journaling, participating in outreach programs and projects, and retreats. We believe the beginnings of a Christ-focused life can be assisted by study and learning, and St. Mark’s strives to provide the environment in which all ages can strengthen that journey.
From September through May, Christian Education on Sunday mornings for children, teens and adults meets at 9:00 am.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is an approach to the religious formation of children ages 2 1/2 to 5. It is rooted in the Bible, the liturgy of the church, and the educational principles of Maria Montessori. Children gather in an “atrium,” a room prepared for them, which contains simple yet beautiful materials that they use. Because it engages children so profoundly, it has become the preferred approach to young children’s catechesis in a growing number of dioceses, parishes and schools around the U.S and the world.
At St. Mark’s The Atrium can be found in the lower level of the Parish Hall, next to the choir room.
To learn more about the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, explore the The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd and the Center for Children and Theology.

The Atrium of the True Vine
The Level II Atrium is a special place set aside for the child aged 6 to 9. It is an environment prepared by the catechist in order to allow the relationship between God and the child to grow into one of true friendship. The atrium is not a schoolroom, but rather a quiet place of prayer and reflection that prepares the child for full participation in Holy Mass and the life of the church. It is a place to step away from the noise of the world and enter into a quiet space to think about God.
At St. Mark’s the Atrium of the True Vine is found in the lower level of the Parish Hall, directly across from the nursery.

Upper Elementary/Early Middle School Sunday School
Our traditional Sunday School for ages 10 to 12 utilizes the Spark Lectionary curriculum and includes Bible stories and activities and leads students into the J2A (Journey to Adulthood) programs. Spark Lectionary is a three-year curriculum, with fall, winter, and spring quarters each year. The lessons correspond to the Revised Common Lectionary—helping kids get more out of both worship and Sunday school.